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OrbRider » 19 фев 2019, 19:27
Дядька говорит, что после суточного голодания глюкоза в крови берется больше из адипоцитов, чем из белков. И этот момент совпадает с тем, что печень начинает кетоны делать из свободных жирных кислот.
Любопытно, если человек на кетозе, то глюкоза после сна повышается за счет опустошения адипоцитов?
Также можно услышать про то, что останавливает аутофагию на голоде, а что и наоборот. Типа, берберин и кофеин - благо.
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OrbRider » 10 мар 2019, 13:43
Бен Бикман говорит, что когда кетоны в моче, мы просто тупо теряем энергию. Это очевидный факт, конечно, но мне раньше не приходило в голову, что как раз в этом может быть причина сброса веса во время кетоадаптации в первый месяц.
Еще говорит, что кетоны способствуют образованию бурого жира.
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Joker » 23 мар 2019, 17:13
OrbRider писал(а): ↑23 мар 2019, 00:38
Да-да, что инсулин не нужен, чтобы загонять глюкозу в клетки
Блять, вот по другому не скажешь.
А ничё, что у меня с 2013 года эта инфа висит?
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OrbRider » 25 мар 2019, 23:13
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5W1XBf8d-I Интересную вещь паренек говорит. Холод на голоде вызван приливом крови к бурому жиру, что приводит к отливу ее с периферии - отсюда и холод. И что даже вену найти, чтобы кровь на анализ взять, бывает трудно. Так что холод - это типа круто!
Что-то в этом есть, потому что на самом деле чувствуешь, как нос замерзает, но в целом нет ощущения, что замерз изнутри. Весьма специфическое ощущение.
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- you might feel it your hands your feet get cold maybe your arms get cold but your core usually stays decently warm well the reason that's happening is pretty interesting
you see when you fast you actually have a migration from the adipose tissue the store belly fat over to brown adipose tissue in sort of the visceral fat now it sounds bad but it's actually really good basically all it means is white fat that is just being dormant and not doing anything other than insulating you he's getting activated and turned in to brown fat where it actually has more of a thermogenic effect so brown fat the visceral fat that actually covers our organs and things like that that emits heat the reason it emits heat is because it protects our organs so when we're cold or anything like that we get more blood flow to that visceral fat to actually generate heat so literally if we allow that brown fat to generate heat it's burning calories so what ends up happening is as the blood moves away from the adipose tissue in our extremities and goes into that brown adipose tissue to actually generate heat we get cold because we're getting less blood flow you'll also find that you just have less overall blood volume in your extremities like if you were to fast and like for 72 hours and then go and try to get blood drawn you'd probably find that they can't even find a vein very well so you have to remember that and that's why you generally get cold now
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OrbRider » 27 мар 2019, 18:11
Поток мысли некоего David Jockers, DC по циклированию углей на кето, физнагрузках, какие углеводы использовать и все такое
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- David let's go back a little bit to
carbohydrates okay so what we hear a lot
is that people should cycle in and out
of ketosis so talk to us about like what
carbs are okay how often should people
carbohydrate cycle and when frequency
yeah um the overview there
absolutely and you know there's there's
a lot of variability with that it really
depends on how well you do in ketosis or
if you're an athlete or things like that
right but in general I'll tell people to
do anywhere from like once a week where
they have a higher carb meal - sometimes
like every day or every other day and
usually I tell them in the evening hours
right because it has a positive effect
on lowering stress hormone producing
serotonin and melatonin things like that
so the healthier carbs that we're going
to utilize are hypo allergenic carbs
right so you know a lot of people have
inflammatory responses to grains and
things like that so usually I'm
recommending things like sweet potatoes
yams pumpkin squash different things
like that can be a lot better now some
people tell me why I do really well with
rice if they do well with rice I'm like
that's okay
we're going to turn it into
anti-inflammatory rice we're going to
put a whole bunch of tumeric in there
tumeric has a positive effect on PPA rs
receptor genes and that that helps to
regulate blood glucose right so we put a
bunch of tumeric in there we put apple
cider vinegar on there which lowers our
glycemic load we're also going to put a
little black pepper which activates a
curcumin wades and the tumeric maybe
some Mediterranean herbs for some more
antioxidants in there and olive oil on
it so we get more polyphenols right
we're going to turn into more of an
anti-inflammatory rice
rather than just you know straight rites
I'm coming over to eat them yeah gay
things like rice and quinoa are
phenomenal carriers for herbs like
tumeric right so if you're going to have
it make sure you utilize that as a
carrier right and that's and that would
be in a sense a healthier healthier carb
so we'll add that in whether it's you
know small amount in the evening every
night for some individuals they do
better with that other people every
other day other people every third day
other people once a week
right it really just depends on how do
you feel when you're in a state of
ketosis how do you feel when you're on a
low-carb diet and that's and that's the
key question I'd ask yourself there I
love the flexibility here it's not just
like dogmatic and say no you because
some people are saying you know you
can't have more than 60 grams or 80
grams or whatever it is of carbohydrates
but you're like just how do you
it has your energy level and most
importantly how's your blood glucose and
things like that so yes really important
athletes are trying to adopt this so
let's before we talk about you know what
gano sis can do for athletes to talk
about muscle and my muscles so important
for weight loss but also how we can
improve muscles with ketosis yeah
absolutely you know this is a common
question you get is well if I if I'm not
even those carbs I'm not going to be
able to perform and I'm going to lose
muscle mass okay and that's not
necessarily true
the reason why is that when you're in
ketosis you have a higher fasting blood
leucine level and leucine is a key
branched chain amino acid that has an
anabolic effect on the body meaning that
it preserves lean body mass and that's
really really critical and so basically
the body is saying I want to keep lean
body mass and you're going to actually
stimulate more fat-burning mechanisms so
you'll actually maintain your muscle
mass in fact there's a lot of people out
there and I'm one of them
where we get our best workouts in in a
fasted ketosis state of ketosis and
we're and we're fasting for a long
period of time right I just had my baby
boys and I had to rearrange my schedule
used to work out like early in the
morning and I'm working out now usually
around lunch hour
levan twelve o'clock and actually feel a
lot better with it and I'm in a longer
fast and I like actually feel really
really good with it and I've noticed
positive changes with my lean body
master's overall strength levels with my
muscle levels and it feels great and the
the the scientific reason would be high
blood leucine levels right so I'm in
ketosis but Liu Singh's high right also
I'm getting a higher human growth
hormone release and that's extremely
good for lean body mass strength
anti-aging all those types of things
mm-hmm so for folks that don't know
about muscle protein synthesis and
listen do you want to talk about that a
little bit I think that's a key kind of
understanding so people know about
yeah so just like we talked about
leucine is a branch chain amino acid
right and it stimulates an anabolic
response in our body where not only we
preserve muscle but we can also build
muscle like there's foods like whey
protein for example that help boost
leucine levels which again creates that
anabolic effect
or our body's able to build muscle mass
right stimulates protein synthesis in
our system fantastic so let's kind of
finish up with athletes what
considerations should athletes
understand I mean that you know I've
done a lot of bike bike racing and
skiing throughout my life and the adage
we're kind of the notion is that the day
before an event you just carb load and
do all this stuff which can make people
fat make you tired me get sick so what
sort of advice you have for athletes
yeah so one big thing would be you know
there's a lot of athletes that that
actually train in ketosis right like
there's got Ben Greenfield he's got a
great podcast he talks all about it
he'll get himself into ketosis I've got
a good friend that does that this is
measuring himself but not everybody
right and so typically with athletes
what I'm telling them to do is to do
what we had talked about before where
we're doing more carbs in the evening
right not during the day but in the
evening and more anti-inflammatory carbs
so most athletes you know they're eating
a big pizza they're just loading up you
know bread Subway sandwiches all kinds
of stuff like that
so anti-inflammatory carbs are going to
be a lot better and the idea that they
need excessive amounts of carbs that I
mean big pasta dishes things like that
that's not true right have you know big
sweet potato or maybe two small sweet
potatoes have you know half a bowl of
rice something along those lines have a
lot of good fat lots of antioxidants
tons of you know good high-quality
phytonutrient retro vegetables things
like that we want to keep overall the
goal should be keeping inflammation
under control there should be less of a
focus on calorie or carb loading and
more of a focus on how do I keep muscle
inflammation under control so I can
adapt effectively and so getting a lot
more phytonutrients and keeping blood
sugar more stable even if that eat it
doesn't necessarily mean we need to do
you know real low carb but moderate carb
right keeping blood sugar stable is
going to have a much better effect at
reducing overall muscle inflammation
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Joker » 27 мар 2019, 19:09
OrbRider писал(а): ↑26 мар 2019, 21:29
На ту же тему
«Новая гипотеза ожирения»
Рэй Пит об этом уже 40 лет пишет.
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OrbRider » 04 апр 2019, 22:44
liter of olive oil per week
basically 10,00 units D3 a day, they found no one who had vitamin D toxicity at 40,000 international units a day.
the average person should take like thousand milligrams of time release vitamin C twice a day to cover their ass
fish oil is incredibly important and what I try to get people to do you want to get about a thousand milligrams of DHA per day
Ну и последнее - давить мтор голодом зимой, в это время практикует ОМАД
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OrbRider » 12 апр 2019, 17:05
Вот тут где-то с двадцатой минуты (в описании видео есть оглавление по минутам) Бен Бикман объясняет, что на НУПе нет сильного выброс инсулина, потому что организму более важен глюконеогенез в связи с нехваткой углей. А вот на высокоуглеводке другое дело.
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OrbRider » 21 апр 2019, 23:34
Цитаты из подкаста Мерколы и Помпы. Меркола походил с монитором глюкозы и понял, что есть начинать надо тогда, когда глюкоза начинает серьезно подниматься.
Говорит, что жрать два раза в день несколько слишком, ибо большая нагрузка. Лучше небольшими порциями шесть раз за шесть часов. То есть фанаты дробного питания есть не только на нашем форуме )) Но дробно питаться надо в пищевое окно интервального голодания
И что фрукты можно есть разве что ближе к началу длительной прогулки или вроде того. Иначе длительный подъем глюкозы обеспечен.
Также интересный вариант аэробики с дыханием в пакет для имитации высокогорной тренировки.
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- It’s all about making sure that you minimize those net carbs, which is the total carbs minus
the fiber and have the highest percentage of high-quality fat you can. Typically, 80-85%
fat and then really minimizing your net carbs, under 30-40 grams, and your protein to 1 gram
per kilogram of lean body mass, which for guys like you and me is under 70 grams, and
maybe if you’re smaller, 60 grams; and if you’re a woman, it might be 40 grams or
30 grams. That’s not a lot of protein; it really isn’t, but it’s more than your
body needs – it really is.
Dr. Mercola:Remind me to send – my mentor, as I mentioned earlier, is Ron Rosedale, and
he recently presented at the Low-Carb Conference in Veil, I think in February, and his video
of that presentation, which is spectacular and probably the best video presentation ever
seen or given, is a magnificent understanding of this where he really expounds on mTOR,
because hardly anyone understands mTOR, and the reason we’re making these protein recommendations
is because of its effect on mTOR, and mTOR is probably even more important than insulin
and leptin, which hardly anyone understands.
Dr. Mercola:typically it’s in the low 80s, and at night, I’ve seen it go as low as 40 at night, which is usually
2 o’clock in the morning. Who’s going to get up at 2 o’clock in the morning to
measure their glucose? You shouldn’t do that. You should be shot, but you know exactly
where it is. I’ve noticed that my lowest point is typically about 1 to 2 o’clock
in the morning then it gradually rises as you get close to waking up because your cortisol
is rising.
You wait at least 12 or 13 hours and then extend it to about 18 hours, but how do you
know if you’re going to your fast at 13 hours, 14, 15, 16, or 17 hours? How do
you know? When do you start eating is the question, right? I think I figured it out,
and I figured this out myself, and maybe other people did too, but I certainly hadn’t read
it or no one told me, so I spontaneously identified this process, and basically, it’s serially
measuring your glucose. You’re glucose tends to rise about 4 or 5 o’clock in the morning
and comes up a little bit, maybe 10 or 15 points, but then it will stabilize. In my
case, it typically stabilizes in the high 70’s or low 80’s. Then, all of a sudden,
within about half an hour, it will start to rise dramatically. It’ll go up 10 or 15
Dr. Pompa:After you’re awake, you’re saying?
Dr. Mercola:Oh, yeah, and typically it’s about 14 to 15 hours after is my personal
frame right now. Now that I’ve got my meter, I just check it. I look and see, “Okay,
as soon as it starts going up, I’m checking – there it is – okay, it’s time to eat.”
Interestingly, when you start to eat – you would think when you’re eating food that
your blood sugar should rise, right?
Dr. Pompa:Yeah, right.
Dr. Mercola:No, it goes down. It literally goes down, because what happens is, is your
ping the catabolic process, I believe.
.... This whole issue of gluconeogenesis, and when you have gluconeogenesis
versus – you can get the sub-straight either from glycerol, which is a breakdown product
of triglycerides or you can get it from protein and amino acids. I think, my guess, is that
it’s coming from amino acids, which would be deleterious and counterproductive to fast
that long. I don’t believe in these long-term fasts.
Dr. Pompa:Yours is around 14 or 15 hours, so you started to start eating again. Now,
here’s one of the things: People become more efficient, Joe, so in other words, after
a period of time, oftentimes people can’t go a little bit, so we look at their glucose,
because I was doing the same thing. If I start seeing things change where their ketones are
dropping and the glucose is rising, that’s typically the time to eat; however, as they
get more efficient, what they weren’t able to do now they are able to do. Now they are
able to go 18 hours and everything is good.
What I noticed – my carbs, my net carb intake is typically under 50 and many times it’s
under 30 grams a day. That’s not a lot of carbs. The last time I measured my insulin
level it was 0.2, so I have incredible insulin sensitivity. What I notice when I take a piece
of fruit – you should be able to have some healthy fruit. I think Dominic agrees, and
everything I’ve seen and read on this, believes that some fruit in moderation is reasonable,
so I said, “Okay, let’s have some fruit,”
I take a fruit, which I did about half a dozen times, either before or after exercise, my
blood sugar jumps from 80 to over 100 and stays there for 6 hours. I was just so frustrated.
I just did a test. I took 35 grams of mulberries – I’ve got a magnificent place where I
live and I have a regenerative agriculture experiment; I put in 500,000 pounds of woodchips
and am creating magnificent soil with just literally tons of earthworms and creating
an environment where I have 60 fruit trees that generate thousands of pounds of fruit
a year. I’d like to access some of them, because they really taste good and it’s
all organic.
I had some mulberries; it’s the first fruit coming out this season, and I had 30 grams,
an ounce of mulberries, which is like blueberries; it’s relatively low in net carbs. I have
them and I usually go for that walk I mentioned – 1 or 2 hours – I think this was Sunday
when I went for a 2-hour walk – maybe it was 2-½ hours – and I started half an hour
after the walk, so my metabolism was revved up. I took it and rather than my blood sugar
rising 20-25 points and staying there for 6 hours, it rose 10 or maybe 7, stayed there
for an hour, and then dropped below when I had the fruit. It was unbelievable.
I said, “I’ve got to test this again,” so this morning I did 70 grams of mulberries,
and it went down even lower. It didn’t budge it. It didn’t budge it.
Dr. Pompa:Why don’t you test it with different types of exercise? Higher intensity, because
clearly it’s gluconeogenesis.
Dr. Mercola:I don’t think so, but I’ve tested it when I work out at the gym. I do
my strength training and things. I tested fruit before or after and every time it ruins
my blood sugar. It just ruins it. It decimates it. I don’t know how or why. I talked to
Ron Rosedale about it, and he’s convinced it’s true. From his understand of physiology,
if you want to eat fruit – I just told my father this this morning. I called him. He’s
89 years old and a type 1 diabetic, but he’s really well controlled. He keeps his blood
sugars around 80. To eat the fruit during exercise, that is the time to eat your fruit
– not before and not after, but during and preferentially towards the beginning of the
exercise – ¼ of the way through.
Dr. Pompa:You might be answering one of my big questions that I have. With all these
studies that show that exercise fasting is key; it raises glucose. The question that
nobody can answer and that I get all types of conflicting information from studies is,
when do you eat? When do you eat? During or after, and like you, I measure my glucose
trying to figure that out. Afterwards, I ate right away; measured my glucose, and got a
response. Not one time have I tried to eat during, and of course, something like fruit
wouldn’t be the only thing you could eat.
... I think ideally – I’ve .shown it in myself – you want to have six small meals a day
rather than two big ones. Why, especially if you have renal dysfunction? It’s too
much of a protein load. You want to give your body a gradual sip of fuel throughout the
day rather than just assault it with these large things. It’s definitely going to be
more toxic to your kidneys. There’s no question about it. If you throw that much nitrogen
at it – I don’t think you should have more than 10 or 12 grams of protein or maybe
15 grams of protein at one meal. Anything more than that – you are potentially damaging
your kidney.
... still do the peak fasting for 13-18 hours where you’re not eating,
but have those six meals spread out in that eating window. That doesn’t mean making
more meals necessarily; make you meal but split it in half and have one now and have
one later. I’ve misgauged the time of this.
I was going to have my lunch – this is my lunch – you can see it’s got peppers in
there, anchovies, and some bacon and eggs, and it’s really delicious. I was going to
have that 30 minutes ago, but it’s no big deal. I’ll have it a little later when we
finish the interview. I made it. I’ll have half now and half later. I make my breakfast
smoothie, which I never really ask for what I eat, so I have the breakfast smoothie, which
I’ll tell you in a moment, and I call it the fat bomb, which I got from Dominic. When
I make one section and I have a half – I’ll have half of it and then an hour and a half
later, I’ll have the other half. I just split it up, so it’s not any more difficult
to make. It’s not a time consuming thing; you’re just consuming less food over a longer
period of time.
... I think 15 is a lot more reasonable than 25. Twenty-five is really a significant
level of protein. I did not know this, and I have kidney challenges due to mercury extractions
I had, or amalgam extractions. I have to be careful, but doing this, I’ve had the best
kidney function tests I’ve had in 20 years. It’s basically a normal test at this point,
which is phenomenal. I never thought I would see this.
Dr. Pompa:It’s the fillings – that’s what got me. In the study it was interesting.
They said because of the growth hormone rise, you are able to more safely take in more protein
in one meal, and that’s what they were finding. That’s an interesting thing. Once again,
though, the intermittent fast actually protects you because you get the higher growth hormone,
and now you’re able to actually take in more protein in one meal. It’s interesting,
but I think that no matter what, if you do the fast, whatever it is, you’re able to
go – if you’re going 18 hours on a fast – eating the rest of that time, I think
that’s very easy for people. I tell people, go ahead. Eat as much as you want during that
time. That’s typically what they do.
Dr. Pompa:I think one of the things we owe to Seyfried too is that he showed that it’s
not just about the ketones. Your ketones and your brain and cells won’t even use the
ketones if your glucose isn’t well. The idea is that as long as we keep the glucose
doing down – if the glucose is up, your ketones could be up, but then you’re wasting
them. They’re going out your urine and you’re not utilizing them. I presented that at the
seminar I was doing.
Dr. Mercola:Let’s not make the mistake that traditional medicine uses and use glucose
as the only monitor. We’re only using it because we don’t have an easy way to measure
insulin. That’s what they don’t understand. They want to lower the type two diabetic’s
glucose level, and they give them all this crap, including insulin, when they’re just
treating the symptoms.
When the glucose goes down without these exogenous agents, it means that your insulin level is
good and your IGF levels are good. That’s what you really want to get low – the signals.
Glucose is a marker for that, that’s all. It’s a good one, but it’s not as good
as measuring the signals themselves, like insulin or IGF-1.
Dr. Mercola:I don’t know if I did discuss with you, but I picked up an EWOT machine,
exercise with oxygen therapy. It’s interesting.
You work out for 20 minutes at 80% of maximum heart rate, in my case it’s 118, which is
basically reflected as your age, which is a real easy pace for someone who has been
an athlete, and you’re breathing 100% oxygen or 99% or 98% because you have these oxygen
contours; you’re breathing in a mask from a bag.
I do it on an elliptical, but you can do any activity as long as you’re heart rate gets
to that level, and then for 4 minutes – you do that for 20 minutes, and then for 4 minutes
you do high-altitude training where you virtually have very low concentrations. You de-saturate
your blood and then for another 4 minutes you go to 100% oxygen. It can get levels of
oxygen into your blood that is 10 to 20 times higher than the levels that you would see
in a hyperbaric chamber exposure. I’ve just started that. I’m really intrigued with
that. I think it’s going to be really useful.
I’m very excited. It’s a very good form of oxidative therapy. It’s improving mitochondrial
biogenesis and mitophagy too.
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