Когда моему сыну было 9 лет он мне при очередном всплеске эмоций заявил что у него " Климакс так проходит- не приставай ко мне"
У меня упала челюсть. Только через несколько минут обретя обратно дар речи я смогла соображать и что то сказать в ответ типа "?!?!?!" На что мой сынок стал мне объяснять что Климаксу подвержены не только женщины , но и мужчины. Что то что прои ходит сейчас с ним- это тот самый Климакс. И мы должны с папой быть очень сострадательны и терпеливы к нему и его тяжелому периоду.
Такой темы у нас ещё не было. Она умалчивается, хотя тема очень интересная и важная. Она не только о теле, здоровье. Она во многом о Душе, когда гормоны молодости отступают и дают Дорогу Мудрости, Взвешенности, Нежности и очень большому Терпению.
Как к этому придти. С чего начать этот Долгий путь к Счастью после КЛИМАКСА.
Тема затрагивает всех без исключения. Поэтому я решила создать её. Пожалуйста флудите, говорите, спрашивайте и ДЕЛИТЕСь Опытом и Знаниями.
Traditional Chinese Medicine for Natural Menopause Relief - See more at: http://www.pacificcollege.edu/news/blog ... 3CIbx.dpuf
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"Все дороги ведут к людям."
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Menopausal Hot Flashes
When, as a naturopathic physician, I treat hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms, I find one of the most effective tools to permanent resolution is a ketogenic, paleo-type way of eating. Although there are a few other tricks to be had, diet is a big one. To understand why a ketogenic way of eating is so beneficial in menopause, it's useful to have look at how hot flashes get off the ground in the first place.
Here's the wherefore in a nutshell.
First of all, with few exceptions, our organs are designed to burn fat as their main fuel source, not sugar (which is inflammatory). It is as fat burners that we all start out in life until somebody introduces us to the lousy standard Western diet. Now it's true that when we're running away from the saber-toothed tiger, our muscles and red blood cells require the instant fuel of glucose. This is provided by adrenal hormone cortisol, our flight-or-fight hormone, whose job it is to raise blood sugar. But otherwise, all our parts hum along nicely metabolizing fat in the form of ketones. ("Ketone" is to fat as "glucose" is to carbohydrate.)
In addition to cortisol, our adrenal glands also produce estrogen and progesterone, bit by bit taking over that responsibility from the ovaries during the long period of perimenopause.
The health of our adrenals thus has a significant bearing on the health of our menopause.
And this is the case in more than one way. Keeping in mind that cortisol's job is to elevate blood sugar, additionally we find that there's a clear association among the sugar (in whatever form!) we take in our diet, our estrogen levels, and our brain. Maria Emmerich, author of the book Keto-Adapted, has written what I think is a good essay to this point. (scroll down to Menopause and a “Well-Formulated” Keto-Adapted Diet).
In essence, the hormone estrogen helps ferry glucose into the brain for use as fuel. But when estrogen levels decrease during menopause, so does this function. If we happen to be eating a fat-based, ketogenic diet, we handle this scenario with aplomb, as our brain can metabolize fat (as ketones) quite happily. The problem arises if we are not eating a high-fat diet but instead one that relies on glucose as its primary fuel source. In this scenario the brain gets hungry indeed. As a remedy, it calls on the adrenals to ramp up their production of norepinephrine and adrenaline, and ultimately cortisol, whose job, again, is to raise blood sugar. In all of this activity our heart rate and body temperature go up (this is a so-called "sympathetic" autonomic nervous system response), and, ultimately, we experience a hot flash. The hot flash, says Emmerich, is thus a red flag that the brain is trying to protect itself from starvation--a scenario that ought never occur in the first place had the brain (which is itself 86% fat) had access to the ketones provided so amply by a ketogenic diet.
One more thing: I'm often asked if I recommend hormone replacement. While I don't categorically eschew it, let's say I'm not wild about it. The only time I think this approach is the best course of action is when menopausal symptoms are so debilitatingly severe that the patient describes her life in somesuch language to indicate it's hardly worth living, the hot flashes are so lousy. In such extreme cases, bio-identical hormones taken temporarily can certainly provide welcome relief from immediate discomfort. But what I don't want to lose sight of is the broader picture, as described above. All too often, in my opinion, we doctors are far too free with our hormone prescriptions. The endocrine system (as I came all the more to appreciate when I taught endocrinology some years back--and which I have certainly come to appreciate in my 14 years as a practicing physician), is a vast, sophisticated web of communication. Disturbing even one tiny corner of it affects everything else, like the universe's proverbial response to a butterfly flapping her wings. When potent prescription hormones come barging onto the scene, I picture big ungainly trolls stomping through the delicately balanced endocrine landscape, causing corollary effect upon corollary effect whose entirety we can imagine only with difficulty. So my answer to the original question is that I think it's much more appropriate--and effective, which is after all the bottom line--to trouble to understand the cause of why hot flashes come about and to treat that in ways that are liable to deeply support the body's own wise devices and result ultimately in, as I say, permanent resolution. (And remember that all our adrenal hormones--sex steroid and otherwise steroid--are made from that essential healing nutrient without which we are hapless: cholesterol, found in the likes of saturated animal fats and fermented cod liver oil. Look here for more on the virtues of cholesterol.
http://primaldocs.com/members-blog/meno ... t-flashes/
When, as a naturopathic physician, I treat hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms, I find one of the most effective tools to permanent resolution is a ketogenic, paleo-type way of eating. Although there are a few other tricks to be had, diet is a big one. To understand why a ketogenic way of eating is so beneficial in menopause, it's useful to have look at how hot flashes get off the ground in the first place.
Here's the wherefore in a nutshell.
First of all, with few exceptions, our organs are designed to burn fat as their main fuel source, not sugar (which is inflammatory). It is as fat burners that we all start out in life until somebody introduces us to the lousy standard Western diet. Now it's true that when we're running away from the saber-toothed tiger, our muscles and red blood cells require the instant fuel of glucose. This is provided by adrenal hormone cortisol, our flight-or-fight hormone, whose job it is to raise blood sugar. But otherwise, all our parts hum along nicely metabolizing fat in the form of ketones. ("Ketone" is to fat as "glucose" is to carbohydrate.)
In addition to cortisol, our adrenal glands also produce estrogen and progesterone, bit by bit taking over that responsibility from the ovaries during the long period of perimenopause.
The health of our adrenals thus has a significant bearing on the health of our menopause.
And this is the case in more than one way. Keeping in mind that cortisol's job is to elevate blood sugar, additionally we find that there's a clear association among the sugar (in whatever form!) we take in our diet, our estrogen levels, and our brain. Maria Emmerich, author of the book Keto-Adapted, has written what I think is a good essay to this point. (scroll down to Menopause and a “Well-Formulated” Keto-Adapted Diet).
In essence, the hormone estrogen helps ferry glucose into the brain for use as fuel. But when estrogen levels decrease during menopause, so does this function. If we happen to be eating a fat-based, ketogenic diet, we handle this scenario with aplomb, as our brain can metabolize fat (as ketones) quite happily. The problem arises if we are not eating a high-fat diet but instead one that relies on glucose as its primary fuel source. In this scenario the brain gets hungry indeed. As a remedy, it calls on the adrenals to ramp up their production of norepinephrine and adrenaline, and ultimately cortisol, whose job, again, is to raise blood sugar. In all of this activity our heart rate and body temperature go up (this is a so-called "sympathetic" autonomic nervous system response), and, ultimately, we experience a hot flash. The hot flash, says Emmerich, is thus a red flag that the brain is trying to protect itself from starvation--a scenario that ought never occur in the first place had the brain (which is itself 86% fat) had access to the ketones provided so amply by a ketogenic diet.
One more thing: I'm often asked if I recommend hormone replacement. While I don't categorically eschew it, let's say I'm not wild about it. The only time I think this approach is the best course of action is when menopausal symptoms are so debilitatingly severe that the patient describes her life in somesuch language to indicate it's hardly worth living, the hot flashes are so lousy. In such extreme cases, bio-identical hormones taken temporarily can certainly provide welcome relief from immediate discomfort. But what I don't want to lose sight of is the broader picture, as described above. All too often, in my opinion, we doctors are far too free with our hormone prescriptions. The endocrine system (as I came all the more to appreciate when I taught endocrinology some years back--and which I have certainly come to appreciate in my 14 years as a practicing physician), is a vast, sophisticated web of communication. Disturbing even one tiny corner of it affects everything else, like the universe's proverbial response to a butterfly flapping her wings. When potent prescription hormones come barging onto the scene, I picture big ungainly trolls stomping through the delicately balanced endocrine landscape, causing corollary effect upon corollary effect whose entirety we can imagine only with difficulty. So my answer to the original question is that I think it's much more appropriate--and effective, which is after all the bottom line--to trouble to understand the cause of why hot flashes come about and to treat that in ways that are liable to deeply support the body's own wise devices and result ultimately in, as I say, permanent resolution. (And remember that all our adrenal hormones--sex steroid and otherwise steroid--are made from that essential healing nutrient without which we are hapless: cholesterol, found in the likes of saturated animal fats and fermented cod liver oil. Look here for more on the virtues of cholesterol.
http://primaldocs.com/members-blog/meno ... t-flashes/
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"Все дороги ведут к людям."
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Фитоэстрогены - на том форуме много обсуждали. Я уже и не помню, на чем мы там сошлись. Надо поискать будет.
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http://health4ever.org/gormony-v-produk ... h-pitanija
Фитоэстрогены в продуктах питания Практикум Здорового Образа Жизни
Что такое фитоэстрогены?
Во-первых, фитоэстрогены НЕ являются гормонами расстений.
Во-вторых, фитоэстрогены НЕ являются эстрогенами (эстрогены – это женские половые гормоны, которые поддерживают половые и некоторые другие функции в женском организме). Практикум Здорового Образа Жизни
Последний раз редактировалось AnnaRoald 22 фев 2016, 06:32, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
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"Все дороги ведут к людям."
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Natural Menopause Relief
Шатавари – это растение, широко применяемое в восточной медицине, в частности, в Аюрведе для лечения и гармонизации многих состояний.
Свое название растение шатавари получило благодаря удивительному действию на женскую половую сферу.
С санскрита шатавари переводится как “имеющая сотню мужей”Шатавари является омолаживающим средством для женщин
??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCmSx388NXI Шатавари: фитоэстрогены для женского здоровья ???
Шатавари – это растение, широко применяемое в восточной медицине, в частности, в Аюрведе для лечения и гармонизации многих состояний.
Свое название растение шатавари получило благодаря удивительному действию на женскую половую сферу.
С санскрита шатавари переводится как “имеющая сотню мужей”Шатавари является омолаживающим средством для женщин
??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCmSx388NXI Шатавари: фитоэстрогены для женского здоровья ???
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"Все дороги ведут к людям."
"Все дороги ведут к людям."
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Natural Menopause Relief
Невсеобщий вывод был такой - дануихвпринципенах. ye15
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"Все дороги ведут к людям."
"Все дороги ведут к людям."
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Д.С. - Премьер-министр
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Americans kids in NYC call Pen - penis. :-)
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"Все дороги ведут к людям."
"Все дороги ведут к людям."
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Natural Menopause Relief
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"Все дороги ведут к людям."
"Все дороги ведут к людям."
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Joker - Администратор
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Natural Menopause Relief
Аня, это темы хоть и смежные, но разные!
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Natural Menopause Relief
Вообще то это один из основных и один из самых натуральных методов как перешагнуть этот непростой период в жизни женщины
I’ve always enjoyed sex and I’m worried that my vagina will change after menopause. What changes should I expect?
With menopause, the ovaries making estrogen, which can cause your vagina to become dry and less elastic or “stretchy.” Fortunately, low doses of vaginal estrogen therapy can keep the lining of your vagina healthy. For many women, so can the regular use of long-acting vaginal moisturizers when combined with regular vaginal sexual activity. Regular vaginal sexual activity is important for vaginal health after menopause because it stimulates blood flow, helps keep your vaginal muscles toned, and maintains your vagina’s length and stretchiness.
http://www.menopause.org/for-women/sexu ... -questions
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"Все дороги ведут к людям."
"Все дороги ведут к людям."
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