Whole30. Вариант палео.

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Whole30. Вариант палео.


Непрочитанное сообщение Д.С. » 29 авг 2016, 17:56


What is the Whole30?
Established by Dallas Hartwig and Melissa Hartwig (of Whole9) in April 2009, the Whole30® is our original nutritional program designed to change your life in 30 days. Think of it as a short-term nutritional reset, designed to help you put an end to unhealthy cravings and habits, restore a healthy metabolism, heal your digestive tract, and balance your immune system.

Certain food groups (like sugar, grains, dairy and legumes) could be having a negative impact on your health and fitness without you even realizing it. Are your energy levels inconsistent or non-existent? Do you have aches and pains that can’t be explained by over-use or injury? Are you having a hard time losing weight no matter how hard you try? Do you have some sort of condition (like skin issues, digestive ailments, seasonal allergies or fertility issues) that medication hasn’t helped? These symptoms may be directly related to the foods you eat—even the “healthy” stuff.

So how do you know if (and how) these foods are affecting you? Strip them from your diet completely. Cut out all the psychologically unhealthy, hormone-unbalancing, gut-disrupting, inflammatory food groups for a full 30 days. Let your body heal and recover from whatever effects those foods may be causing. Push the “reset” button with your metabolism, systemic inflammation, and the downstream effects of the food choices you’ve been making. Learn once and for all how the foods you’ve been eating are actually affecting your day to day life, and your long term health.

Whole30 Benefits
The most important reason to keep reading? This will change your life.

We cannot possibly put enough emphasis on this simple fact—the next 30 days will change your life. It will change the way you think about food, it will change your tastes, it will change your habits and your cravings. It could, quite possibly, change the emotional relationship you have with food, and with your body. It has the potential to change the way you eat for the rest of your life. We know this because we did it, and tens of thousands of people have done it since, and it changed our lives (and their lives) in a very permanent fashion.

The physical benefits of the Whole30 are profound. More than 95% of participants lose weight and improve their body composition, without counting or restricting calories. Also commonly reported: consistently high energy levels, improved athletic performance, better sleep, improved focus and mental clarity, and a sunnier disposition. (Yes, more than a few Whole30 graduates said they felt “strangely happy” during and after their program.)

The psychological benefits of the Whole30 may be even more dramatic. Through the program, participants report effectively changing long-standing, unhealthy habits related to food, developing a healthier body image, and a dramatic reduction or elimination of cravings, particularly for sugar and carbohydrates. The words so many Whole30 participants use to describe this place? “Food freedom.”

Finally, testimonials from thousands of Whole30 participants document the improvement or “cure” of any number of lifestyle-related diseases and conditions.

high blood pressure • high cholesterol • type 1 diabetes • type 2 diabetes • asthma • allergies • sinus infections • hives • skin conditions • endometriosis • PCOS • infertility • migraines • depression • bipolar disorder • heartburn • GERD • arthritis • joint pain • ADD • thyroid dysfunction • Lyme disease • fibromyalgia • chronic fatigue • lupus • leaky gut syndrome • Crohn’s • IBS • Celiac disease • diverticulitis • ulcerative colitis

We’ve also read some stories that can only be described as miracles, like Jessica’s trichotillomania, Jeremiah’s type 1 diabetes, Summer’s juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, and these 100 pound weight loss stories.

Правила программы. pdf

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Whole30. Вариант палео.


Непрочитанное сообщение Vetchinka » 29 авг 2016, 22:08

А в чем уникальность? Вроде все стандартно, разве что именно 30 дней?

MSG незя.... Обыдно...
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Whole30. Вариант палео.


Непрочитанное сообщение Д.С. » 30 авг 2016, 04:13

Vetchinka писал(а): А в чем уникальность?
В утверждении, что это уникально.
Для человека, который впервые знакомится с палео - так и будет.
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Whole30. Вариант палео.


Непрочитанное сообщение Д.С. » 17 янв 2017, 11:36

In Defense of Real Food: a Paleo & Whole30 Dietitian Responds to US News & World Report’s “Best Diets of 2017” /

It’s that time of year. Everyone is looking to make changes to their diet, and US News and World Report published its Best Diet Rankings for 2017. And once again, the Paleo Diet ranked very poorly and in last place was Whole30. In first place is the DASH diet, originally developed to prevent and lower high blood pressure. I figured I’d add to previous rebuttals here and here with a shiny new version of the same old argument.

I’m a dietitian and I love real food. I’ve seen people give up processed foods and it can change their life. It’s amazing to me that there is still so much bias against giving up processed foods. The reality is, not many people can moderate when it comes to hyper-palatable foods. I’m sure it’s pretty threatening to classically trained nutrition experts who still believe in low-fat dogma that the Whole30 book and Cookbook tops The New York Times Best Seller List. The Paleo Solution and blogs like Nom Nom Paleo are runaway successes. This is such a sharp departure from the norm. But maybe real food is what people need. And, given the great success of Paleo and Whole30, maybe it’s what people want because it works.

Never before have humans had to push away such an abundance of hyper-stimulating, highly processed, nutritionally void food-like products. These modern foods bypass our normal satiety cues, causing us to eat many more calories than we need for our sedentary lives. We’re overfed, obese, exhausted and malnourished all at the same time. Maybe we need to eat less fillers and more real food. I’d like to take a moment to provide some counterpoints to show how eating a nutrient-dense, real food diet, can actually be better than diets that completely avoid meat, require drinking 2 shakes a day containing high-fructose corn syrup, allow you to skip eating real food to save your “points” for alcohol, and ones that allow only 500 – 800 calories a day.

The reason these diets work is because they force people to invest in a complete dietary transformation. One of the criticisms in the US News Report is that “most diabetes experts recommend a diet that includes whole grains, legumes and dairy products.” But if you stop to think for a second, aren’t many of those foods just adding more carbs with little other nutritional value? Also, aren’t we failing diabetics with our advice? We don’t need to drink orange juice and eat whole grain cereal with low-fat milk every morning. Beans are pretty difficult to digest and not a better source of protein than meat. Grains are not a better source of nutrients and fiber than roots and tubers. And while I see some benefit in high quality, full fat dairy in the form of yogurt or cheese, I also think it’s a great exercise to eliminate it for 30-days to see how it makes you feel. As far as milk goes, well milk is great at putting weight ON mammals, that’s what it’s for. With 75% of the world’s population lactose intolerant, and most of the nutritional benefits in milk coming from fat-soluble vitamins, it’s time to reconsider recommending 3 cups of low-fat or skim milk each day. There are no risks in avoiding sugar, grains and dairy and in fact, giving up these foods can help prevent disease.
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The Difference Between Paleo and Whole30

Both diets focus on fresh meat and seafood, vegetables (including roots and tubers), fruit and healthy fats. Both diets avoid grains, sugar, legumes and dairy, plus industrially processed vegetable oils like soybean and canola. The Whole30 is intended to be a 30-day nutrition challenge that is based on the Paleo template, but further excludes honey, maple, and “Paleo treats.” The Whole30 is designed to reset your metabolism and taste buds, break your sugar addiction, and get folks back in the kitchen cooking real food instead of relying on convenient but unhealthy processed foods. The Paleo Diet is more of a template for an overall lifestyle that usually means a 30-day “squeaky-clean” intro (similar to the Whole30), then an 80/20 long term maintenance phase, meaning 80% Paleo and 20% healthy modern foods (some rice, cheese, yogurt, and the occasional treat) if tolerated. The Whole30 is not the Whole365. Most people who do a Whole30 end up also following a Paleo template of 80/20 after their 30-days.

Let’s do a quick rundown and rebuttal of the assumptions that USNWR and many other popular press critics have about paleo-style diets.

Assumption: Paleo Folks are Trying to Recreate Cave Man Days

Nobody is literally saying that domesticated cows were around during hunter gatherer times. Instead, these diet are simply looking back at what humans evolved to eat and focus on those foods as a template to for a more modern version of that diet. Yes, there is some evidence of a little grain consumption several tens of thousands of years ago, but generally humans evolved eating meat, roots and tubers and seasonal fruits, and that diet seems to work great for those who have tried it. Paleo is simply a template for eating a diet mimicking the hunter-gatherer way of eating.

I showed my cookbooks to my nutrition professor while completing my RD, and her exact words were, “Wow, you need to change the name of your book because this isn’t paleo, this is really healthy!” She admitted she had a bias against the word paleo, but once she understood that I was intelligent, very healthy, understood nutrient metabolism and also advocated for sustainability, her guard came down, and she was able to look at “Paleo” without cringing. Although she is a vegetarian for personal reasons, she said, “If I ate meat, this is exactly how I would eat.” So let’s please remove our stereotypes and keep an open mind, as real scientists do.

Assumption: We need to be eating grains to be healthy.

They are convenient, but not necessary at all. Nobody needs toast and pasta. Americans are not grain deficient. Let’s look at how sweet potatoes compare to whole wheat:

weet potatoes also have only 90mg of omega-6 per cup compared to the same amount of wheat cereal delivering 452mg. Grains are a big source of omega-6s, the kind of inflammatory fats that should be consumed less, not more. The foods with the highest omega 6’s are vegetable oils (margarine, commercial salad dressings) and another huge sources is grains, yes, even whole grains.

Type 2 diabetes is a disease of carbohydrate intolerance. Sugar is addictive. You would never tell an alcoholic to just self moderate and hope for the best, so why would you tell someone with metabolic disorder from overconsumption of carbohydrates to moderate? They need to give up the sugar. Instead, we’re telling them to eat less meat and more grains and legumes, and skim milk (more than 1/2 the calories from skim milk come from sugar.) In fact, the American Dietetics Association lists beans as the ideal source of protein.

From the Institutes of Medicine: “The lower limit of dietary carbohydrate compatible with life apparently is zero, provided that adequate amounts of protein and fat are consumed. However, the amount of dietary carbohydrate that provides for optimal health in humans is unknown. There are traditional populations that ingested a high fat, high protein diet containing only a minimal amount of carbohydrate for extended periods of time (Masai), and in some cases for a lifetime after infancy (Alaska and Greenland Natives, Inuits, and Pampas indigenous people) There was no apparent effect on health or longevity. Caucasians eating an essentially carbohydrate-free diet, resembling that of Greenland natives for a year tolerated the diet quite well. However, a detailed modern comparison with populations ingesting the majority of food energy as carbohydrate has never been done.”

The RDA for carbohydrate is only set at the arbitrary value of 130g/day in order to avoid ketosis, however they also say ketosis is not a danger (and this paper also backs that up). Ketosis is not ketoacidosis.

Now, the Paleo and Whole30 plans aren’t void of carbs, but people will naturally eat much less in the form of carbs if they’re not consuming breakfast cereals, bagels, breads, pasta, and cake. And it turns out, when you eliminate these foods from your plate, you end up replacing them with nutrient dense foods that are difficult to over consume because they’re not hyper-palatable. Nobody is going off the rails for sautéed spinach, roasted salmon and water, but they DO line up never-ending bowls of pasta, bread sticks and wine.

Let’s get rid of our bias of low-carb diets and instead, take an honest look at the research proving that a lower-carb diet can actually prevent or reverse type 2 diabetes. The carbohydrate choices for Paleo and Whole30 are completely reasonable, nutrient-dense, and delicious without overstimulating our appetites causing us to over consume. This is why most people with blood sugar disregulation do very well on Paleo and Whole30.

Assumption: Plant-Based Proteins are “Better” Than Animal Proteins

I challenge this on several levels. First of all, we need to be eating more protein and better protein. There’s an assumption that all we need to eat is 0.8g/kg per day. This is the absolute minimum to avoid disease, not the amount for optimal health. Also, this often gets translated to a baseline recommendation of 56 grams a day for men and 46 grams per day for women, numbers based on a “reference” man of 70kg (154lbs) and a “reference” woman at 57kg (125lbs). The average weights for Americans are much higher.

The Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) for protein is 10% – 35% of calories from protein. On a 2,000 calorie diet, this means 20% of calories from protein is actually 100g/day. That’s double the RDA. According to the Dietary Reference Intakes by the Institute of Medicine, “the current state of the literature does not permit any recommendation of the upper level for protein to be made on the basis of chronic disease risk.” This means there is no worry for people to consume more than the upper limit, though it would be pretty difficult to consume 35% of your calories from protein (the upper end of the AMDR.) That would be 175g of protein on a 2,000 diet.

Protein is the most satiating macronutrient. The more protein you consume, the more full you feel. Now, if you are trying to get more protein, here are the most efficient sources.

Let’s look at calories next. If we’re trying to eat more protein but fewer calories, which sources of protein are the best choices? Let’s look at how many calories you need to consume of these foods to get 30g of protein in a meal.
Ну и т.д. :dance2:

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