Ben Greenfield - Beyond Training (2014)

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Ben Greenfield - Beyond Training (2014)


Непрочитанное сообщение kvas » 22 фев 2018, 23:25

"Beyond Training: Mastering Endurance, Health & Life" by Ben Greenfield (April 15, 2014) ... 1628600128

Beyond Training_ Mastering Endu - Ben Greenfield.epub
Whether you're an extreme exercise enthusiast or you're just looking to shed
a few pounds, this is the last book on training, endurance, health, and
life you will ever need.

In this book you will learn:

The 2 best ways to build fitness fast without destroying your body

Underground training tactics for maximizing workout efficiency

The best biohacks for enhancing mental performance and entering the zone

How to know with laserlike accuracy whether your body has truly recovered

26 ways to recover quickly from workouts, injuries, and overtraining

The 25 most important blood and saliva biomarkers and how to test them

5 essential elements of training that most athletes neglect

7 stress-fighting weapons to make your mind-body connection bulletproof

Proven systems to enhance sleep, eliminate insomnia, and conquer jet lag

40 high-calorie, nutrient-dense meals that won't destroy your metabolism

Easy tools for customizing your carbs, proteins, and fats for your unique body

9 ways to fix a broken gut, detox your body, and create a toxin-free life

A complete system to safeguard your immune system and stomach

Simple time-efficiency tips for balancing training, work, travel, and family
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