Сайт Доминика Д'Агостино о применении метаболических эффектов кетоза при неврологических и онкологических заболеваниях.
Metabolic Therapies based on Therapeutic Ketosis
Публикации (2 книги, 29 статей)
Научные исследования Dominic D'Agostino, PHD
Доминик Д'Агостино
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Доминик Д'Агостино
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Влияние кетоза на спортивные результаты или нужны ли углеводы для спорта?
Доминик Дагостино.
Dominic D’Agostino looks like a bodybuilder. But that doesn’t mean that he eats a diet typical for that sport; on the contrary, the research scientist—and amateur athlete—can go an entire day without eating and says his performance—both in the lab and in the gym—improves because of it.
D’Agostino is perhaps rare in the world of science in that he practices what he preaches. As associate professor in the department of molecular pharmacology and physiology at the University of South Florida, and a visiting research scientist at IHMC, D’Agostino develops and tests metabolic therapies for a range of diseases and conditions for which the ketogenic diet is the cornerstone.
The low-carb, moderate-protein, high-fat ketogenic diet is what he also follows for health and greater mental clarity.
The ketogenic diet for decades has been used, albeit perhaps sparingly in the clinic, to treat epileptic seizures. D’Agostino is working on the development of exogenous ketones in the form of ketone esters for cancer and neurological disorders as well.
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Сборные статьи о влиянии кетоза (или НУП) на здоровье
Доминик Д'Агостино обсуждает физиологические преимущества пищевого кетоза.
Аудио и развернутый конспект (поминутно)
Dominic D’Agostino discusses the physiological benefits of nutritional ketosis
Аудио и развернутый конспект (поминутно)
Dominic D’Agostino discusses the physiological benefits of nutritional ketosis
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Сборные статьи о влиянии кетоза (или НУП) на здоровье
Ещё один подкаст Доминика Д'Агостино
Эффективное использование кетоновых тел для здоровья, производительности и долголетия
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Сборные статьи о влиянии кетоза (или НУП) на здоровье
10 лет изучения кетогеной диеты. Доминик ДАгостино.
Dr. D’Agostino: About a century ago it was observed that a carbohydrate restricted
high-fat diet and moderate protein diet could mimic the metabolic state of fasting.
And this diet was termed the ketogenic diet, because there is an elevation of blood
and urine metabolites that were ketone bodies.
But anyway these ketone bodies have a broad range of functions on physiological
processes and on specific tissues. Now we know that it's not just an energy source but
it has anti-inflammatory effects, it has epigenetic effects and these are the things
that we're also interested in exploring to help us understand how the ketogenic diet is
conferring these therapeutic effects on so many different disorders.
Dr. D’Agostino: About a century ago it was observed that a carbohydrate restricted
high-fat diet and moderate protein diet could mimic the metabolic state of fasting.
And this diet was termed the ketogenic diet, because there is an elevation of blood
and urine metabolites that were ketone bodies.
But anyway these ketone bodies have a broad range of functions on physiological
processes and on specific tissues. Now we know that it's not just an energy source but
it has anti-inflammatory effects, it has epigenetic effects and these are the things
that we're also interested in exploring to help us understand how the ketogenic diet is
conferring these therapeutic effects on so many different disorders.
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Доминик Д'Агостино
Стенограмма интервью от 26 апреля 2018 года. Участники:
Нейробиолог Дом Д'Агостино
Медицинский исследователь Эрико Вердин
Диетолог Луиза Бурк
Нейробиолог Дом Д'Агостино
Медицинский исследователь Эрико Вердин
Диетолог Луиза Бурк
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Доминик Д'Агостино
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